By Jace Jacobs

I find it useful to focus on what I love.
I was feeling a little speechless when it came time to write this month's article. So I did what I do best. I headed out into nature and let my thoughts do the rest.
I could have focused on some drama or how my commute can take a while. I could have focused on the hard times in life but that's just not my style.
I chose to express some chill happy rhymes. It's the sunset, love, and light. I chose to share some positive words to help both our days become bright.
There can be a lot of chaos in life and sometimes it's hard for the positive to see. Instead of writer's block, I focused on what I love and let the words just come to me.
Namaste ☮️
Jace Jacobs
Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing
You're the light
Another beautiful sunset
Those sunbeams streaming by
Cool colors all around
I see that wink in your eye
I sing another line
As we say goodbye to the day
Soaking it all in
Watching the critters at play
Would you walk across the park
If I asked you to hang with me
Holding hands and sharing smiles
That chill vibe and just be
I know that feeling
As the day drifts off to the night
Ahhh yeah I trust my intuition
In the darkness, you’re the light
Life is a beautiful journey of lessons. Love is always the answer. If you turn your focus within you just might find your heart will help guide you in the best direction.

Meet Jace Jacobs! Jace Jacobs is a Happy Mindset Poet, Performer, and Creator @ Jace is an author and spoken word poetry performer. His Happy Mindset Poetry books are available on Amazon or via
Jace enjoys helping cool souls raise their vibrational state so they can experience more confidence and clarity in their life.Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing#HappyMindsetPoetryVisit the social media links below for video performances of spoken word rhyming happy mindset poetry.
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